Turner Town's Director (along with her family) has done extensive research on Turner Syndrome and Nonverbal Learning Disabilities. She has met experts in the field and obtained first-hand knowledge of TS conferences and medical camps, health studies and support groups around the United States. The Turner Town Project is so much more than the large collection of customized dollhouses framing an extraordinary storyline. Even though Turner Town is the "crown jewel" of the Project, this important TS/NLD advocacy campaign extends to many other mediums. The Town Director has spoken to many community groups and was interviewed by several newspapers, television and radio programs and social media. She has written TS articles, distributed literature and can be available for phone/email consultations.
Turner Town Exhibit with Related Activities
Turner Town is presented differently at each location. Every site has unique room configurations, varying sizes and number of shelves, tables, display cases or window ledges, poster area availability and other factors that determine a proper lay-out for a particular venue. Turner Town has been featured at dozens of public places, including the Detroit Children's Museum, the Taubman Health Sciences Library at the University of Michigan, local libraries, hotels, community centers, a children's hospital, and convention centers. Space for the "tot lot" block set (pictured), larger playscapes, growth charts/measuring stations, information and activity centers, must also be considered. In addition to the materials previously listed on the "Our Story" page, "A Parent's Guide to Turner Town" is included as well as an "Eye Spy" scavenger hunt game for children. Everyone can vote in the favorite house contest, which also encourages visitor interaction with the exhibit.
Community Outreach
Accompanying Turner Town are an array of medical and academic posters (pictured). Small educational placards are included with the exhibit and Town visitors may pick up pertinent cards and brochures. Furthermore, these items are readily available at other Project events, such as speeches & seminars and fundraisers for the campaign. In the past, Turner Town's Director has sent requested materials to concerned parents or teachers. The Town Director has also established a portable reference & lending library. These books highlight a variety of TS and NLD issues, including legal considerations, school strategies and IEPs, personal stories, medical testing and treatments, among others. Some books are written for children while others are geared towards teachers and parents. Summaries of TS/NLD internet articles and lists of relevant web addresses have been collected for this awareness campaign.
Education Stations and Speciality Table-top Exhibits
Due to space limitations or circumstances, sometimes a smaller exhibit is used to present some of the key symptoms or characteristics of Turner Syndrome and/or Nonverbal Learning Disabilities. These mini-displays might be added to a workshop presentation, a community fair booth, a conference side table, and the like. The photo shown is the Turner Town School with an "Education Station" (focusing on NLD accommodations). This picture was taken at the TSSUS National Conference in Buffalo, New York (July, 2011). "Education Stations" are designed to supplement storylines and provide additional information in conjuction with Turner Town or be used as "stand alone" displays.
As a life-long advocate, the Town Director is always looking for opportunities to reach a wider audience. She has communicated with people across the country and around the world. Contact the Town Director for more information or a virtual tour of Turner Town.